Lareia Cakerie and Co. is rated 3 out of 5 in the category food & beverages. Read and write reviews about Lareia Cakerie and Co.. ABOUT US It all started with His grace and by His grace alone. Early 2013, Karin, a struggling filmmaker, happened to have half a box of leftover cream in the fridge. Keeping it from rotting away, she put it to use and made a vanilla bean Mille Crêpes for the very first time. She then delivered a slice to Andrea, a freelance designer who at the time was food styling for a restaurant menu in Surabaya. With no intention of selling the cake, the restaurant owner and several friends started to order. This triggered the idea of making a small business out of it (supported by the fact that they were also moneyless, no kidding). Karin and Andrea join forces to create an online home cake-shop called Laréia Cake & Co. with Karin as the baker and Andrea as the designer. Little did they expect, Laréia became the talk of town in such a short time. Realizing how a simple cake could bring smiles to people’s faces gave an immeasurable satisfaction for them. So with a strong willingness to learn, huge love for desserts and never-ending prayers, they decided to give up the things they studied in college and ventured into this cake world, pursuing a brand new dream together. Laréia Cake & Co. began alongside the growing lifestyle of having desserts after every meal. We want to be the people you look for, the place you go to and the cakes you crave for. Thank you for the support you gave since we sold our first Mille Crêpes. We are here now because of your trust. We didn’t come “knowing -it-all” but we promise to always keep learning, stretching our capacity, pushing the boundaries to create and serve better. For you! So what’s for dessert? *wink* FUN FACTS: – The name Laréia was inspired by Andrea’s name last two syllables. – Even during film school, Karin made an awards-nominated short film about a cake (a poisonous one, though). – Karin and Andrea have known each other since middle school and they used to be enemies (for real).
Jalan Mayjend. Sungkono
Company size
201-500 employees
Surabaya, East Java